Medical Assistants Credentialing in Clinical Decision Support (CDS) and Certified Electronic Health Record Technology (CEHRT) Order Entry

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Enter medication, laboratory, and radiology orders into Certified Electronic Health Record Technology (CEHRT).
  2. Evaluate Clinical Decision Support (CDS) intervention either using your own judgment or through accurate relay of the information to the ordering provider.
  3. Make a change to the order based on the CDS intervention or bypass the intervention.
  4. Demonstrate a level of competency in the following subjects:
  • Electronic Health Information
  • Vital Signs
  • Patient History
  • Ordering/Scheduling Laboratory Testing
  • Ordering/Scheduling Radiology Exams
  • Pharmacology
  • Referrals

And as result, become a Credentialed Medical Assistant.


MA Meaningful Use Credentialing Slide Presentation
Utah Medical Assistants receive the medical knowledge to enter orders into Certified Electronic Health Record Technology (CEHRT) and intervene with Clinical Decision Support (CDS). You must register to access.
Meaningful Use Credentialing Competency Test You must register to access.
Please click the button below to select certificate. You must register to access.