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CME Joint Providership Application Process
The UMA Foundation works with non-accredited providers in Utah to offer jointly provided educational activities for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. To receive AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ designation for your education, complete the documents and submit to the UMA Foundation. For more information, contact Jackie Smith by email Jackie@utahmed.org or by phone 801.747.3500.
CME Planning ChecklistJoint Provider (your organization) must complete the required activity documentation to qualify for accredited CME designation.You must log in to access content.
Joint Provider FeesAll joint providers must submit a planning activity application and review fee of $300. In addition, the joint sponsor is charged an overall joint providership fee based on the number of credits for the activity.You must log in to access content.
CME Application Review Fee InvoiceAll joint providers must submit a planning activity application and review fee of $300. Later, the joint sponsor is also charged for the number of credits designated for the activity.You must log in to access content.
Joint Provider Application Planning Form
This form must be completed and returned to cme@utahmed.org. The information provided by your organization will allow the UMAF to review the proposed CME activity for possible accredited CME designation.
Accreditation with Commendation (optional)Please consider the activity you are planning and determine if you are able to incorporate some of these criteria into your planning process.You must log in to access content.
CME Presenter Disclosure
This form is used to identify and mitigate all potential conflicts of interests that arise from financial relationships with commercial interest(s) of CME presenters, faculty, editors, panelists, content reviewers with control of activity content.
CME Planner DisclosureThis form is used to identify and mitigate all potential conflicts of interests that arise from financial relationships with commercial interest(s) of CME planners with control of activity content.You must log in to access content.
CME Statement__Conflict of Interest DisclosuresThe Joint Providership Statement must be included on all materials stating there are CME credits available. The CME Conflict of Interest Disclosures must be made known to the learners.You must log in to access content.
CME Evaluation (Sample 1-2 hours)Joint provider needs to evaluate learners' competence, performance, and or patient outcomes after having attended their CME activity.You must log in to access content.
CME Evaluation (Sample 5-8 hours)Joint provider needs to evaluate learners' competence, performance, and or patient outcomes after having attended their CME activity.You must log in to access content.
CME Evaluation (Sample Conference - multiple days)Joint provider needs to evaluate learners' competence, performance, and or patient outcomes after having attended their CME activity.You must log in to access content.
CME Revenue Budget DisclosureComplete this budget form to report revenue generated from the activity. This must be provided, so UMAF can report to the ACCME.You must log in to access content.
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